If I Should Tumble, If I Should Fall

Zap2It.com is reporting that Miley Cyrus’ purse was stolen last week at a private party Miley hosted at her home. Her purse contained her cell phone.

The person who stole Miley’s phone has started to leak some of the photos. There are allegedly a few photos of Miley not wearing any clothing that are also circulating the internet, we will not be posting these. Any and all alleged nude photos of Miley are considered child pornography since they were taken before her 18th birthday. So far there hasn’t been any proof or confirmation that the girl is the nude photo is Miley.

What it comes down to is the rude, disrespectful person who visited Miley’s home as a guest and took her personal belongings. It is disgusting that someone would pretend to be a friend to a person only to sell him or her out.

I just hope Miley learns who did this because whoever did it is scum. And I hope Miley becomes more wary of who she lets into her life (and her home).

UPDATE: Gossip Cop is reporting that the pictures of Miley without any clothes on, are indeed fake. Their source, that is close to the Cyrus family, said that, “no nude photos of the young star have been taken or leaked. Also, besides no face being shown in the photo, there are a couple of additional tell-tale signs that it’s not Cyrus. First, the person pictured is a bit thinner than the “Hannah Montana” star. She’s also missing a key physical marker – Cyrus’ tattoo that reads “Just Breathe” beneath her left breast.”

I pray that Gossip Cop is right, but until Miley or her reps deny or confirm the pictures, everything is to be taken with a grain of salt.

Credit to @LuceNene!

Source Pic Credit

Wanna Get a Little Unruly

Vodpod videos no longer available.
more about “MC“, posted with vodpod

TMZ.com received video of Miley Cyrus dancing with Adam Shankman, The Last Song‘s producer, at the film’s wrap party last summer. The video shows Miley and Adam engaging in a little bit of a grind.

Adam is a good friend of Miley’s, he’s also gay. From what I’ve seen this video doesn’t bother me, maybe it’s because I’ve seen my classmates engage in more ridiculous and lewd acts? Apparently the full video will be released sometime tomorrow? We’ll keep ya updated!

What do you think?

When They See You They Scream Out Loud

Meet Drew Ryan Scott member of boyband, Varsity Fan Club, and the voice of Christopher Wilde in the new Disney Channel Original Movie, StarStruck. Sterling Knight plays the role but Drew does all the singing. So that music video Disney made for the movie which shows Sterling singing is actually a lie.

What a surprise. Disney tried to pull another fast one. They did this in the first High School Musical blending Zac Efron’s voice with Drew Seeley’s. Drew Scott uploaded to pictures to his twitter (@drewryanscott) confirming he is the singing voice for the film. In the pic with the blue background (which can be viewed in the gallery) it says “Vocals by Drew Ryan Scott”.

Now I have no problem with Sterling acting in this role, I’m sure he’ll do a fabulous job. But Disney, there are talented actors/singers out there you could have found to do this role instead of using another person behind the scenes. This whole making us think it’s that actor’s actual voice and then learning it’s not is getting kind of old.

You Know I’m Bad, I’m Bad

Jake T. Austin and his twitter are causing a teensy bit of a drama. Jake took to his twitter (@JakeTAustin) yesterday to comment on the earthquake in Haiti. His comment on the whole was pretty spot on, it was his choice of words that are causing the drama. Jake dropped a curse word (the S bomb).

Some of his twitter followers were less than pleased with his choice of words because Jake works for the family friendly Disney Channel. This prompted Jake to remind his followers that he is an actor, not a Disney product.

After that tweet a few news outlets picked up on it, and one in particular posted a poll asking it’s readers whether or not it was wrong for him to use the curse word. You can view the poll/article HERE.

That poll lead Jake to take to his twitter again today, January 15, to comment once more on the issue. Jake said that “Kids who r too young to read the s word shouldn’t even have a Twitter, they should be readin dr Seuss or watching little einsteins!!!”

While I understand where Jake is coming from, backlash is to be expected. Disney stars are always scrutinized because they represent the squeaky clean Disney brand. And like it or not, Jake does have young fans who read his twitter.

What do you think? Jake’s tweets can be seen in the gallery.

You Love Me, You Like Her

Nothing like a good old fashioned love triangle, er quadrangle, to kick off the weekend! iVillage.com is reporting Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner were broken up by crooner John Mayer and Swift’s bestie (and Lautner’s ex-girlf), Selena Gomez.

Apparently when John asked Taylor S. to sing on “Half of My Heart” Taylor L. was devastated because he knew John had a thing for Miss Swift. Adding fuel to this fire is Selena who Taylor L. allegedly still had a thing for. According to an inside source to Star Magazine, “There’s still a definitive spark between [Selena and Taylor L.]” and the pair have attempted to rekindle their love.

I’m fairly certain this is all a bunch of nonsense, I would guess Taylor S. and Taylor L. really weren’t attracted to each other. They obviously tried to make a relationship work and just couldn’t. And the two Taylors were a publicists’ dream, they both had a movie and album to promote so their relationship was pretty convenient.

But wouldn’t a John Mayer/Taylor Swift relationship just be the funniest thing ever? He’s a notorious playboy and she’s the complete opposite. And while I wouldn’t mind Taylor Lautner and Selena Gomez reuniting (I always thought they were so adorable), it would cast such an odd light on Selena and Taylor Swift’s friendship. I mean two girls who are supposed to be best friends do not share boys, I don’t care who you are, it’s simply unheard of.

Which would you rather: Taylor L/Selena & Taylor S/John, Taylor L/Taylor S, or everyone to be single?


No I Don’t, Don’t Care What You Say

Above is a video of ZackTaylor (the gossip blogger who outted Demi’s mother Dianna Delagarza as his source for all his “Jemi” info) calling Dianna Delagarza. In this video you can hear him calling her phone and it goes to voicemail stating who the person is.

It sincerely looks as if Demi’s mother was his inside source, which would mean she was telling Zack that her daughter was dating Joe Jonas. However, Demi promptly took to her twitter to deny that rumor. This whole situation is certainly very, very messy.

What do you guys think of this whole mess?


Got My Drink N My Two Step



Oh man! Cody Linley was caught enjoying himself a little too much in Orlando, Florida recently. From the pictures it certainly looks as if Cody enjoyed his night out! In the article, which can be found in Star Magazine, it says Cody was seen looking “drunk as a skunk” and living it up. However, Star‘s source never actually saw Cody consume any illegal substances or liquids. Remember, Cody is only 19.

Cody’s ex-girlf, Demi Lovato, took to her twitter to stick up for her old friend.

ddlovato: Leave Cody alone. Big deal.. He partied too hard. Get over it. Sometimes people DO make mistakes.. But this guy doesn’t deserve all that tabloid crap.

Demi, I’m with ya on this one. I kinda like seeing a Disney star letting loose. And he didn’t hurt anyone, so what’s the harm?

Credit to perezhilton.com for the story.

I Don’t Know You Anymore


We’ve heard some rumblings for a few days but now we’re getting awfully suspicious. Was the whole Kanye West/Taylor Swift debacle planned? Sure, it all looked real when it happened on Sunday night, but the VMAs are known for some crazy antics so we wouldn’t put it past MTV.

Apparently, someone from Jay-Z’s camp said this:

This was all a huge publicity stunt set up by Jay-Z. MTV wanted him to perform at the end of the show and he said on one condition – they gave Beyonce a performance and made her look good. And so, the whole Taylor Swift fiasco was born. Jay called up Kanye and asked him to do it for him because Kanye doesn’t mind being seen as a jackass and it’d be believable if he did it. So when Beyonce let Taylor finish her speech instead of making her own speech, everyone thought “Wow, Beyonce really is a class act!” and Jay-Z finished off the show with his performance.

Hmm, it does sound a touch far fetched, I mean that’s a lot of work to make someone else look good, someone who doesn’t look bad to begin with (Beyonce). However, the inside source continue:

Taylor Swift was chosen for obvious reasons: She has the country fanbase locked up and was up for a lesser award against Beyonce.

Except for the fact that she loved the idea and happily went along with it.

Wow, if that’s true, and we’re not saying it is, that’s a very ballsy move. I mean we’re used to Kanye making outlandish statements and all around being an ass because that’s Kanye. However, we’re not used to Taylor being such a sneaky girl, in a way that could get her in trouble.

Logistically though the Taylor Swift incident from the VMAs put Taylor on everybody’s radar right now, she’s one of the most talked about celebs at the moment. That’s almost unheard of coming from the country genre, while they make good music they tend to stay out of the limelight. I mean if this was planned it was a crafty PR move for Taylor since now even more people know about her, and in just over a month she’s re-releasing her Fearless CD. We doubt the ramifications from Kanye-gate will die down by then meaning she’ll sell really well again. Although in Taylor’s defense, we’ve loved her music for a very long time so we’d like people to buy her album.

Another interesting fact we learned from the site Allieiswired.com:



Both Taylor and Kanye share the same agent. Coincidence? Maybe not so much.

We’re not sure what to believe, we would hope Taylor wouldn’t pull a stunt like this but we have heard stories for a few months now that she isn’t as squeaky clean as she appears. However, we’re going to chalk this up to Kanye just being an ass.

What do you think?

Source Source 2

Come On Let It Be


Selena Gomez posted the above on her twitter this morning, August 30. It is in reference to this POST. Selena is stating that her grandmother’s twitter account has been hacked and that is what all the anti-Miley Cyrus poll voting was from. That twitter account has also been deleted. Apparently, Selena’s cousin’s twitter had been hacked, too.

For the sake of everyone I’m going to hope that it is true, and it was hacked.

Update: Selena also tweeted:

selenagomez P.s. Congratulations to all of the haters you made a 60 year old woman cry. Thanks

But then she deleted that comment.

It’s About to Be a What Girl Fight



There are so many things that can be said for the above tweets. Selena Gomez’s grandmother, Debb, has a twitter (twitter.com/sunshinesnana). This is her real twitter because she talks to Selena and Selena’s cousin through it.

It looks as if her grandmother has a great dislike for Miley Cyrus. Next to the more interesting tweets we put a black dot. I think my favorite has to be the tweet that asks “Why does everyone hate Miley Cyrus?” and Sel’s grandmother answered, “She’s a slut!”

My main thought here is does Selena’s grandmother not have any idea that people can read this, and that by answering the way she did she’s damning her granddaughter? The Miley/Selena feud is so 2008, we get it, these two girls do not like each other and they most likely never will. However, they do work for the same company and sometimes they work together, so things like this, for a purely professional reason should not happen. In my opinion it shows a definite lack of respect and clear thinking on Selena’s grandmother’s part, which is odd since she’s an adult and conceivably should know better.

I would also like to point out two minor details. First of all, if anyone even the teeniest bit related to the Cyrus camp had twittered something like this about Selena, the whole world would be up in arms. Not to protect Selena, but rather for Miley’s many detractors to have another reason to rag on her. I’m sure the Cyrus camp has plenty of personal opinions of Selena, yet they still manage to keep them personal.

And secondly, one of the votes Sel’s grandmother cast was for Team Jonas over Team Cyrus. I find this all very interesting because Nick from Team Jonas broke Selena’s heart. Although Selena’s grandmother would still dislike Miley more. Rumor has it Selena was only ever a seatfiller, and even when they were together Nick was still in love with Miley.