Before This Was a Job

Selena Gomez was spotted exiting a sushi bar in Studio City, CA, yesterday, August 3. She was accompanied by her step father and most likely her mom.

Selena recently updated her facebook letting her loyal fans know she’s been in the studio putting the finishing touches on her sophomore album, set to be released in September. Sel also let us know that she’s back at work filming the fourth, and final, season of Wizards of Waverly Place.


Make You Feel Real Good

Miley Cyrus stopped to throw up a peace sign before getting in her car in Toluca Lake, CA yesterday, May 8. The “Can’t Be Tamed” singer was headed out for the afternoon.

In other Miley news, she recently spoke with the Hollywood Bulletin about The Last Song and finding love with Liam Hemsworth. When asked about Liam’s kissing Miley said, “I give him two thumbs up!”

She also said that Liam is not quiet and is pretty funny. “He’s really funny and sometimes it intimidates me that everyone else laughs at his jokes and not mine. So I’m always looking for new material.”

Miley also gushed about how love has bettered her. “Just like in the film, love makes me feel beautiful. It makes me feel good about myself and that’s not all it is. There’s someone helping complete you and you learn more about yourself. What love is is just someone that continues to inspire you always and especially to be a better person. That’s what Liam does to me.”

Thanks to MileyFan!!!


At Least I Could Be Honest About That

Miley Cyrus and boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth, grabbed sushi yesterday, March 29, at Sushi Dan’s in Los Angeles, CA. The duo kept it casual, Liam in Nike shorts and a plain white t-shirt and Miley in her usual garb of jean short shorts and a tank top.

Remember when Miley and Justin Gaston used to match? That was weird, I’m glad Liam and her don’t do that (yet!). Miley and Liam’s new film, The Last Song opens tomorrow, March 31!

Is anyone seeing a midnight showing?


You Can Stretch Right Up and Touch the Sky

In order to be a Disney star you must love two things: bowling and riding your bicycle. Ashley Tisdale opted to do the latter yesterday afternoon, March 28, as she biked to Trader Joe’s in Toluca Lake, CA.

The Hell Cats cutie looked adorable in printed shorts and a smiley face shirt. Her recently dyed hair was tied back in a braid. It looks like her hair is longer than it was before, I wonder if she had extensions put in for her new TV show?


Rolling, Rolling Down the River

Miley Cyrus prepared for her presenting gig at the Academy Awards by going for a morning bike ride with her boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth. The pair pedaled over to their local Jamba Juice for a refreshing drink before hightailing it back to the Cyrus abode so Miles could get ready.

Apparently, Miley and Liam are going to attend Elton John’s Oscar After-party tonight, March 7. Miley did an amazing job presenting at the Oscars (cute mess up and all). Whatever she ends up doing tonight, I hope she has a fabulous time.

She and Liam are so cute in these pics.
