Do Your Remember The Way It Use To Feel

Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson were on set today, May 28, in England, filming camp scenes for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

The trio finished filming the epilogue yesterday, May 27, at King’s Cross Station and have returned back to playing the teen version of their characters for final filming.

I can’t believe it is almost over! So not cool!


If Your Life is Such a Mystery

Ya know what they say, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. Demi Lovato changed the lyrics in her song, “Solo” to fit ex-boyfriend, Joe Jonas last night, May 27. Demi performed in Rio de Janeiro as part of her South American tour.

Demi changed the lyrics from, “Why don’t you just stick to acting” to “Why do you just stick to tambourine” (at 1:15). I have no problem with lyrics changes but if this becomes an habitual thing it’ll get annoying.

Get the anger out now, girl!

Thanks @NelenaSmiles!

By Now You Should Know

Miley Cyrus is on the cover of Bilboard magazine. The article discusses her attempt to transition from tween star to pop star. The article is a great read, you can read it in full HERE.

On growing up: “I’m just at a certain place where I’ve changed a lot as a person. I’ve grown up a lot, which everyone does.”

On working with Antonina Armato: “I call Antonina ‘Mommy’ because she’s my second mom. No one could ever understand the relationship we have. I’ve been working with her for four years and every day I go into the studio and we just sit around and eat cupcakes and talk and I tell her everything about my life. I think that’s why we make good music together.”

On the perks of Hannah Montana ending: “It’s hard when you’re doing a show and you’re going to London for two days and then you come back and you’re doing the show again. I can kind of bounce around everywhere and I don’t really have something that’s tying me back here.”

While I don’t agree with her view on Glee (she’s clearly never tuned in but some people just don’t like musicals), the article is very interesting. I really enjoyed learning about Disney’s marketing approach now, it’s so cool how instantaneous it all is nowadays. Miley also looks pretty in the pics!


Go On And Flaunt It

Kristen Stewart is on the cover and featured in X Flaunt Magazine Issue # 109 (The Fashion Issue). In the article she talks mostly about fame, her films, and privacy.

There is also a behind the scenes video of the shoot after the jump where she talks about inner beauty and her past roles.

I think Kristen looks gorgeous in these photos and totally in her element. Also, I hate how Kristen always gets crap for essentially being normal.  All I have to say is keep being normal Kristen somebody in that business has to.

Continue reading “Go On And Flaunt It”