I Will Be Right There For You

Jonas Brothers performed a surprise song at their Good Morning America concert today, may 21. The boys surprised their fans with a performance of “Please Be Mine”.

Joe even commented that the boys are planning to do something with the song, hinting they may re-record it. They better re-record it the song, it is one of the prettiest songs they’ve ever written!

Video of the boys playing ball with Regis Philbin from Live with Regis and Kelly this morning, too.

Continue reading “I Will Be Right There For You”

Couldn’t Be More Obvious

Selena Gomez is currently on set in Budapest, Hungary filming her new movie Monte Carlo. Her co-stars Katie Cassidy and Leighton Meester have finally arrived on set.

I hope we get some filming pictures soon! All we have right now are fabulous fan pictures. Selena looks cute, tired but happy!

In other Selena news, her song “Live Like There’s No Tomorrow” from the Ramona and Beezus soundtrack will apparently arrive on iTunes June 8!!!


Isn’t She Wonderful?

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Behind the scenes of Ashley Greene’s photo shoot for Seventeen. Her issue is the one that also features the Hot Guys of Summer! 

In other Ashley news, she is rumored to be in the running to take the place of Megan Fox in Transformers 3. Megan was let go from the third film of the franchise; although she’d like you to believe she opted not to go back. 

Do you think Ashley would do well in Transformers?

I Put a Gleam In Your Eye


A few pics from the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato’s performance on Good Morning America this morning, May 21. The group are kicking off GMA‘s Summer Concert series!

Demi’s good friend, Sarah, trekked to NYC for the trip, that picture is so cute. Demi and Sarah both look great.Apparently the Jonas Brothers and Demi will perform, “L.A. Baby,” “Can’t Back Down,” and “Burnin’ Up”. They also did “S.O.S.” and “Please Be Mine”. Joe said they might re-record “Please Be Mine”!!!

In the gallery are pics of one of the Camp Rock 2 dancers, Courtney (Nick’s rumored old flame) posing with Big Rob and a pic of the audience at the park for the gig. Also added in some pics of Jonas Brothers soundcheck and Demi’s soundcheck. When video arrives we’ll add it.