Even When the Sun Forgets to Shine

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Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato were interviewed by MTV News today, May 19. They talk about JONAS LA, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, and their favorite songs from both. 

Nick says this time the music tells a story. Demi also revealed Joe guest starred in the Christmas episode on Sonny With a Chance. Disney sure is linking those two a lot these days!

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2 thoughts on “Even When the Sun Forgets to Shine

  1. she’s just annoyed, maybe feeling left out and bored. plus the interviewer asks the same questions to joe and demi all the time, who wouldnt be annoyed and irritated right?maybe TIME OF THE MONTH.LOL.

  2. Is it just me or is demi a complete annoying B word in this interview?

    Seriously she’s really bugging.

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