Loud and Out of Key

Demi Lovato is all smiles as she poses at the Disney & ABC Television Group Summer Press Junket today, May 15. While she was in Los Angeles promoting Sonny With a Chance her co-stars, Tiffany Thornton and Brandon Smith were on the East Coast in Washington, D.C. promoting the show.

After the junket, Demi caught a fly to Texas to attend one of her best friend’s prom!


Run Like You Do, I’m Chasing You

This is kind of impressive. Jonas Brothers played a free show at the Grove in Los Angeles, CA today, May 15. Thousands of fans showed up, above is video of the fans running to get close to the stage/the boys.

Those fans really booked it! And some of them ran completely over the barricade, I love how driven they are. Also, the gallery has pictures of the boys at the Disney & ABC Television Group Summer Press Junket today.


Sing Me Something Soft

Demi Lovato fulfilled a promise to childhood friend, Nolan, today, May 15, by attending his prom in Dallas, TX. The pair, who went as friends, got all gussied up and rolled up to the dance in a Rolls Royce.

Yay for friends and prom! I’m so glad Demi had the chance to go to a prom, this clearly meant a ton to Nolan and Demi. I hope they have a great time!

One Love

Justin Bieber was recently on Ellen DeGeneres, where Ellen asked Justin about his outing with Miley Cyrus.

Ellen also thinks that these two should do a duet together!

Would you like to hear a duet between Miley and Justin?

