You Get the Best of Both Worlds

Miley Cyrus and the cast of Hannah Montana Forever attended their final table read for the series today, May 11. Several of the stars tweeted about the event and Miley even wrote a blog about it.

Emily Osment said, “just read the final pages of the last hannah montana script with @msung91 FREAKIN out. :D”. Drew Roy, from “He Could Be the One” even got to sit in on the final read.

Miley said, “Wow. Wow. Wow. All of this is just beginning to sink in. I will miss Hannah Montana so much.”

To read the whole blog, go below the jump!

We just had our final HM table read. Wow. I can’t believe it is coming to an end. I started this show as a 12 year old girl from Nashville with dreams bigger than I could handle alone! I am so blessed to have had Disney take me under their wing and lead me to where I am today! The producers, writers, cast, and crew have been my rock for the last 5 years. Knowing I won’t see them everyday is really hard wrap my head around. I’ve had the same routine since 7th grade and I will be graduating at the end of this year. Every day I have school with Emily, lunch with Jason, Moises and I play with the dogs, and I get to work with all of these people that I love so much. Wow. Wow. Wow. All of this is just beginning to sink in. I will miss Hannah Montana so much. 😦

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