That Drives You Crazy

Miley Cyrus’ ex-boyfriend, Justin Gaston, was On-Air with Ryan Seacrest today, April 9. In between Ryan gushing how cute and fit Justin is (creeeepy) Justin chatted a bit about his past relationship with Miley.

No new or scandalous information. He says he never lived with the Cyrus’, that he and Miley dated for 9 months, and that he also hasn’t met Liam Hemsworth (Miley’s current bf) but that he thinks he’s tall.

I’m glad he had nothing bad to say but I’m so over his friends talking about Miley. The farther away that talentless group is from the Disney stars the better off they all are (ya listening Chloe Bridges? We know you’ve been out with Garret Jiroux a few times!).

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